Advanced Pet Care

Advanced Pet Care for Your Sick Dog or Cat

Kiski Valley Animal Clinic in Leechburg, PA, understands that your pet is like a furry child, and it deserves the best care. Our advanced pet health services allow your pet to be thoroughly checked, and it helps to ensure they stay healthy. Some of our pet wellness services include:

  • Bloodwork
  • Surgery
  • X-Rays
  • Dental work
  • Ultrasounds
  • End-of-life care
Veterinarian And Cute Puppy — Leechburg, PA — Kiski Valley Animal Clinic

Check Your Pet’s Health with Bloodwork

Kiski Valley Animal Clinic offers a wide range of in-house bloodwork options to diagnose, treat, and help keep your pet healthy. We can provide pre-anesthesia panels to complete blood counts within a matter of minutes. Outside lab results for more in-depth blood tests come back within one or two business days.

General Surgery for Your Dogs and Cats

General surgeries are performed two days per week in our vet clinic. Pet spaying and neutering are the most common surgeries performed on dogs and cats, and most pets handle the surgery very well. Be sure to follow instructions regarding withholding food and water before surgery. Length of stay depends on the pet’s age, size, sex, and condition.

Veterinarian And Golden Retriever Dog — Leechburg, PA — Kiski Valley Animal Clinic
Vet And Cute Dog — Leechburg, PA — Kiski Valley Animal Clinic

Check On Your Pets Internal Workings with X-Rays

A radiograph, or X-ray, is a type of photograph that reveals the body’s bones and internal organs. This is a very useful diagnostic tool for veterinarians because it can help obtain information about almost any organ in the body, including the heart, lungs, and abdominal organs, as well as the bones.

Improve Your Pets Health with Regular Dental Exams and Cleaning

Regular inspection of your pet’s mouth is important to catch dental disease in the early stages. Professional dental cleaning by a trained veterinarian removes the visible plaque and tartar on the teeth' surface and the bacteria under the gums. This eliminates potential sources of infection to the mouth and other organs and protects your pet from pain and tooth loss.

Dog Dental Exam — Leechburg, PA — Kiski Valley Animal Clinic
Dog Ultrasound Diagnostic — Leechburg, PA — Kiski Valley Animal Clinic

Check if Your Pet is Pregnant

Do you suspect that your pet may be pregnant? Bring them in for an ultrasound. We are able to check for signs of pregnancy and help your pet stay healthy through their due date. Let our team help confirm your new bundles of joy.

Caring End of Life Care

When your pet is suffering from age, cancer, or other illnesses, sometimes the best thing to do is give them peace. Our office knows how hard of a decision this can be, so we will explain your options. We offer hospice care which includes medicine to make them more comfortable. If you choose to let your pet go, we offer cremation services and memory items like an urn and paw print mold.

Ready to schedule your appointment? Call (724) 478-4800.

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